Projectmanager Benin

Logo van het Kadaster met een gestileerde blauwe letter 'K' naast het woord 'kadaster' in lichtblauwe tekst.

Aanvraagnummer: 3059
Organisatie: Kadaster
Locatie: Kadaster
Uren per week: maximaal 70 werkdagen per jaar
Tarief: €125 per uur
Regio: Gelderland
Startdatum: 01-09-2024
Optie tot verlenging: 1 x 1 jaar
Sluitingsdatum: 14-08-2024 23:59

LET OP! Deze opdracht is gesloten

Deel deze opdracht

Opdracht omschrijving

Assignment description

The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This also goes for ships, aircraft and telecom networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. We are also responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system. Furthermore, we are an advisory body for land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures.

Our information is available predominantly through online web services, including information on energy labels of houses and underground cables and pipelines. Our main customer groups are civil-law notaries, local authorities, businesses, financial institutions and private individuals. Kadaster maintains the Key Registers Cadastre and Topography.

Kadaster performs its public tasks in service of society. This is reflected in the way we are organised and the ways in which we publicly account for how we work.

Description of the project in which the employee is put to work:
Kadaster International is looking for a project manager/advisor land administration for our project in Benin.

Background information on the project
Benin is a stable, French speaking country in Western Africa. Despite a new modern national law on land administration the progress of registered parcels is slow. Financed by the Dutch embassy in Benin, MDF Consultancy, VNG International and Kadaster executed a project to set up the infrastructure for an efficient and affordable land administration. Now, together with MDF and VNG, Kadaster is taking part in the preparatory project for the scaling of the national cadastre in Benin (PPMEC). The National Land Registry Agency (ANDF), municipalities, notaries, surveyors and civil society organisations are preparing to manage the national cadastre in a sustainable manner.

Assignment description
For the execution of the project activities of Kadaster in this project, you have a double role as project manager as well as Advisor on Land administration. You are the designated person to realise the project objectives on behalf of Kadaster International. You organise, monitor and report on the project objectives to the regional manager of Kadaster International.



The most important tasks and responsibilities are:

  • Enabling the team of advisors who contribute to the project from Kadaster via short-term missions to perform their duties
  • Providing strategic advice to the so-called ‘PPMEC project team’
  • Helping to develop a plan for follow-up financing of the project
  • Coordinating the final report for the Kadaster parts of the project
  • Coordinating the project administration


The candidate can be deployed from 2 september 2024 until 31 august 2026 for a maximum of 70 working days (70 x 8 hours) per year. The hiring assignment can optionally be extended with 1 year and has a notice period of one (1) month for the entire period. The start date is subject to a timely completion of the quotation procedure. This may also mean that the start date of the assignment can be postponed. No rights can therefore be derived from the start date stated in the Request for Quotation.

Overige eisen

Mandatory statement of your certified copy of the Chamber of Commerce. This must show the signatory's authority to sign this agreement.

You only add one resume. This resume should show that you meet the requirements below. If, in the opinion of Kadaster, you do not meet the requirements, your offer will be set aside and will not be included in the assessment of the award criteria. Below are the requirements the candidate must meet. For each requirement, please explain (briefly) why you believe the candidate meets the requirement. Referring to the CV is not sufficient.

You have a MSc in the field of land administration or geo-information or a related field.

You have at least 15 years of experience as an advisor in international consultancy, in different countries and preferably in Western Africa, on the subjects of land administration/land governance/land information systems and IT or related areas.

You have at least 15 years of experience in project management, preferably in land administration projects and large IT projects.

You have a good understanding of the land administration domain in Benin.

Competencies the candidate should have: • Analytical ability; • Persuasiveness; • Didactic skills; • Intercultural communication and strong written and oral skills in French and Dutch.


Beste prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding
Gewicht van prijs : 30 %
Gewicht van kwaliteit : 70 %
Uitleg gunningscriteria

Explanation of award criteria
Based on the assessment of the submitted rate (price) and the qualitative criteria, the ranking of candidates is composed. A verification interview will be held with the three highest scoring candidates. The verification interview is a review of the submitted tender. Based on the clarification, explanation and possible evidence obtained by the land registry through the verification interview, scores can be adjusted. Because of this it is possible that the ranking within the three highest scoring candidates will be adjusted. The highest scoring candidate qualifies for the award after the verification interviews have been carried out.

The points awarded for the quality award criterion within the assessment system are as follows:

Score Rating

0 No answer/completion
Description: Subject or aspect is not described

1 Insufficient
Description: Subject is not satisfactory at all

2 Moderate
Description: Subject or aspect is not (completely) treated or does not meet parts of the requirements of Kadaster

3 Sufficient
Description: Subject or aspect is fully covered and meets the wishes of Kadaster. There is no added value.

4 Good
Description: Subject or aspect is fully covered, meets the wishes of Kadaster and contains some positive distinguishing features there is some added value.

5 Excellent
Description: Subject or aspect is fully covered, meets the wishes of Kadaster, contains positive distinguishing features and thus largely exceeds the expectations of the client. There is considerable added value.

The EMVI is realised as follows:
price score = ( 1 - ( ( your price - lowest price ) / lowest price ) * 100, but never lower than 0

quality score = achieved quality percentage

total score = ( price score * price weighting ) + ( quality score * quality weighting )

If more information is given than requested, only the maximum number of words allowed will be judged. All words above the maximum number allowed will not be passed on to the reviewers.

Gunningscriteria Kwaliteit

60 %

You give a description of the approach (max. 300 words) for the work to be carried out based on the most important tasks and responsibilities for the specific issues of Kadaster (see also assignment description and responsibilities). Assessment: The extent to which the description of approach matches the wishes of Kadaster.

40 %

You clearly show (max. 300 words) how the expertise and competencies you have delivered within the outlined situation contribute to the results to be achieved (see also assignment description and responsibilities). Assessment: The better the expertise and competencies match the wishes of Kadaster and the outlined situation, the higher the score.

Gunningscriterium Prijs

Maximaal: € 125,00

Inclusief alle kosten, exclusief BTW.

Competenties te toetsen in interviewfase

Beschrijving (uitleg)

Testing competencies in interview phase
Description (explanation)

The verification interview is a review of the submitted offer. The emphasis is on the requirements and the qualitative award criteria..


Beschrijving (uitleg)

Interview phase

Description (explanation)

Only those Candidates who, after a written evaluation of the Offers in the order of 1 to 3, occupy places 1 to 3, will be invited for a verification interview.

If, after the written evaluation of the Offers, it appears that there are more than three Candidates in the rankings 1 through 3, the score on (sub)award criterion quality will be decisive in determining the final ranking.

In that case, too, if more than three Candidates in the rankings 1 through 3, the (sub)award criterion price will be decisive in determining the final ranking.

If again more than three Candidates ranked 1 through 3, all Candidates involved will be invited for a verification interview.

The verification interviews will take place on 27 August 2024 in Apeldoorn or via MS Teams. Please take this into account.